INPROVO – Organización Interprofesional del Huevo y sus Productos (Spanish Interbranch Organisation of Eggs and Egg Products)
SNIPO – Syndicat National des Industriels et Professionnels des Oeufs (French Egg Industry Union)
ASSOAVI – Associazione nazionale allevatori e produttori avicunicoli (National Association of Poultry and Rabbit Producers )
BTT – Baromfi Termék Tanács és Szakmaközi Szervezet a Baromfi- és Tojástermelők Szövetsége (Poultry Product Board)
The purpose of this tender is to appoint an agency to design and implement a Promotional Program for the UE eggs in the internal market. The aim of the project is to apply for a call for proposals to be co-financed under the information and promotion programs for agricultural products in the internal market by the EU Commission.
General information on the program legal framework: Information and promotion Programs of agricultural products in the framework of Regulation (EU) No 1144/2014
The information and promotion program on the EU eggs that the tenderers are preparing is going to be submitted and developed under the scope of the Work Programme for 2022 in the framework of Regulation (EU) No 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on information provision and promotion measures concerning agricultural products implemented in the internal market and in third countries.
The European Union co-finances information and promotion programs for agricultural products in the internal market and in third countries as stipulated in Regulation (EU) 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/1829 of the Commission and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1831.
The program proposal will be presented by the organizers to the call that will be published by the European Union for subsidies for information and promotion actions related to agricultural products in the internal market and in third countries for the year 2022. The aforementioned legislation defines the procedure, the agricultural products that are the object of these programs and the requirements to access to the EU co-financing of the programs.
The conditions under which the program will be presented, evaluated, contracted, executed and justified are those established by the regulations and community and national guidelines for these programs, as well as the explanatory documentation that is available to interested parties on the web pages of the European Commission and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain (see the links below):
The executing agency will be selected guaranteeing the best quality/price ratio or, if applicable, the lowest price, ensuring transparency, guaranteeing equal treatment, as well as the absence of conflicts of interest.
The tenderers launch this call based on all this conditions.
Three years (2022/2023/2024/2025).
The year 2022 is dedicated to administrative matters and contracting after the approval of the program by the EU. The program actions will start in year 2023.
Presentation and objectives
The European Model of agri-food production is based in the European regulation for agriculture and food production and marketing, with the highest standards of animal health and welfare, food safety and quality and a low environmental impact, all in line with the consumers’ demands.
Moreover, the political priorities of the European Commission for 2019-2024, in particular the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy are the basis for the evolution of the EU agri-food policy and development.
The Farm to Fork Strategy aims to accelerate our transition to a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly sustainable food system. The information and promotion programme on the EU eggs include topics that highlight and favour complying with these objectives such as the environmental sustainability of the Union egg production, the advancing animal welfare and the promotion of the consumption of balanced, healthy diets.
To strengthen the policy’s support to the Farm to Fork objectives in terms of promoting sustainable consumption, egg information and promotion activities aimed at consumers on the internal market shall refer to and be in line with Food Based Dietary Guidelines of the targeted Member States.
Consumers are in favour of the EU system of production, and are especially aware of issues as animal health and welfare, environmental sustainability and quality and nutritional value of the EU food. But sometimes they are not properly informed on the EU model and the Farm to Fork Strategy, the Green Deal and their application to the particular sector of egg production and marketing.
The organizations involved in the program are aware of the EU policies and of the consumer demand of information to be confident about the way the eggs are produced and to know the different type of eggs, in order to make informed elections at the moment of purchase.
Consumers are also concerned on the impact of the diet in their nutritional and health status. Sometimes are also confused under the influence of the food advertising, food and diet trends and the impact of certain campaigns against foods of animal origin. The result is that eggs are usually seen as a basic/staple food, but their interest as a nutritional dense food, produced in a sustainable way and part of a healthy diet is forgotten.
The excess of information at global level (and also the big amount of disinformation) and the frequent campaigns against the farmed animals and the safety of its products are also introducing doubts and concerns in the EU citizens, in particular about the egg production. The EU producers and their organisations have to address this issue properly. We need to explain the way egg producers work in the EU farms and packing centres, and the egg nutritional quality, safety and interest in the context of a balanced diet.
So, the program of information and promotion on the EU egg sector has to:
- Inform consumers about the European production model for eggs, and the compliance with the EU standards on animal welfare and sustainability by the egg sector in Spain, France, Italy and Hungary. The aim is to help consumers to have a clear view of the high level of animal welfare requirements in the EU at farm level and the different systems of production to meet the different consumer demands and the EU Farm to Fork strategy and the Green Deal commitments.
- Improve the reputation of EU egg professionals and EU egg companies in the four countries involved, to counteract the misinformation about the EU egg system of production and its high standards, and the EU egg quality and safety. The aim is to make egg producers a good example of highly qualified professionals, committed with the EU Model and the consumer demands, and working under the exigences and controls of authorities, clients, and the EU and global market competitiveness.
- Improve the consumer knowledge on the nutritional value of eggs, and its role as part of a balanced diet, in line with
- The recommendations of the Food Based Dietary Guidelines of Spain, France, Italy and Hungary and also
- The protection of the environment, the rational use of natural resources and the animal welfare (in the Farm to Fork Strategy) and
- The highest level of food safety.
Maximum number of applicants accepted for the bid process
Deadline and place for bid submissions
December, 16th, 2021, at 8:00 p.m.
Tender applications should be sent by email to: inprovo@inprovo.com
The subject of the email must include the following: “Application for the European Multi-Country Egg Sector Program 2022 - 2025”.
- Any application received after this date will not be taken into account by the tenderers. The agency should ensure that its application is successfully received before the closing date for acceptance.
Schedule for the selection process
- Publication of the contest: November, the 16th, 2021
- Deadline for the presentation of credentials by the agencies: December, the 16th, 2021
- Notification to the selected agencies: December, the 22nd, 2021
- Briefing Submission: December, the 22nd, 2021
- Presentation of proposals: January, the 28th, 2022
- Notification to the selected agency: February, the 11th, 2022.
Tender conditions
- This tender exercise is unremunerated: no financial compensation is provided to applicants whose bids are unsuccessful. No compensation will be paid if the tender process is unsuccessful because none of the agencies’ bids meet the tenderers’ requirements and another tender exercise is organised.
- All analyses and information contained in the instruction booklet (briefing) given to selected applicants are to be treated as strictly confidential, and by reason of the institutional nature of the data they cannot be used for other clients.
- All companies wishing to apply for this tender must have access to an office, branch or nominated partner in each market.
- The selected applicants are required to present detailed recommendations, both general and by individual country.
- Proposals by applicants should cover the following aspects:
- Strategic analysis
- Creative proposals addressing the campaign objectives
- Detailed action plan by country
- Campaign implementation timeline for each country
- Suggested detailed cost estimate, in euros including/excluding VAT, within the budget framework.
- Suggested quantifiable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each element of the campaign.
- The agency credentials must be submitted in English and Spanish. The proposal presentation must be sent in English and Spanish.
- If the applicant is already managing a campaign from an operator in the same sector or from a sector or entity that might give rise to a conflict of interest, the applicant must obtain a previous written agreement from that operator accepting that the applicant takes part in this tender. If this applicant is selected in this tender, this agreement is also required from the present tenderers/contractors before accepting future campaigns from an operator in the same sector or from a sector or entity that might give rise to a conflict of interest.
- If the applicant is running a European campaign, it must be communicated.
- The overall budget for the EU program will be around €2,800,000.
The agency fees cover the cost of the strategic and creative work, the campaign implementation and administration and all other services that may be needed by the tenderers during the duration of the campaign, including any requested developments or changes due to formal requirements from the authorities. Fees may not exceed 13% of the programme budget; this figure is limited to 5% for media space purchases where required.
- Tenderers will not accept any expenditure from the applicant before a detailed framework contract have been signed between the tenderers and the selected agency in order to develop the selected program.
- The selected agency will be required to sign a contract.
Mandatory documents to be submitted by applicants (both in English and Spanish)
- A dated, signed application letter accepting the tender conditions outlined above.
- A duly dated, signed sworn statement by the applicant declaring any possible conflict of interest arising from work being carried out for an operator in the egg sector in any of the countries covered by the campaign and listing budgets by operator.
- A sworn statement from one or all applicants (in case of a joint application), duly dated and signed by applicants to declare that it/they are not affected by exclusion criteria listed in point 7. Financial and operational capacity and exclusion criteria of the 2021 CALL FOR PROPOSALS MULTI PROGRAMMES - Grants implemented in the internal market and in third countries in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council to information provision and promotion measures concerning agricultural products (2017/C 9/07)
- A list of primary references in comparable multinational contracts in European Programs of Promotion in the food sector, detailing the purpose, economic amount and duration of services rendered.
- An overview of the agency and its internal structure.
- The name and level of experience of the person in charge of coordinating services in general, and details of his/her experience in running multi-market campaigns financed by multiple organisations. Ideally, the agency will have experience of running campaigns co-financed by the European Union.
- Detailed overview of the team in charge of the project.
- Evidence of knowledge of European markets, particularly those targeted in this program.
- An overview of the local companies/offices to be involved in the project in each of the countries concerned, with details of the teams who will take charge of the project.
All this material must be sent digitally by email.
This information should give the tenderers a fair idea of the match between their needs and the agency offers, and the ability of the agency to manage a European Union co-funded campaign both at a technical and administrative level.
Criteria for assessment of applications (out of 100 points)
- 20 points: Relevance of references provided to the food industry and European programs.
- 20 points: Knowledge of European target markets.
- 20 points: Agency’s ability to demonstrate experience in undertaking and coordinating multinational projects.
- 20 points: Presence in each of the target countries.
- 20 points: Level of experience of the team allocated to the project.
For administrative and/or technical queries, please contact:
INPROVO – Spanish Interbranch Organisation of Eggs and Egg Products, by mail: inprovo@inprovo.com
Publication date: November, the 16th, 2021.